Hand of Adonai Launch Party

It’s a bit surreal to announce, but Tuesday, Aaron D. Gansky’s newest book, Hand of Adonai: The Book of Things To Come is finally available.

The first in a series, Hand of Adonai is a Young Adult Fantasy novel that starts in North Chester, Minnesota and ends in Alrujah, a video game kingdom created by best friends Lauren Knowles and Oliver Shaw.

Don’t be fooled by the genre. This book has been read and enjoyed by all ages.

Being Aaron’s social media manager has its perks. I was also one of his beta readers. That just means a few pre-release … read the rest. . .

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Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

I absolutely love this phrase. I can’t, however, say or even think it without thinking of the Twilight Zone episode of the same name: a great episode, one of its most famous ones. You know how the Twilight Zone is. So even if you haven’t seen the episode, you pretty much already know how it turns out.

[Spoiler Alert!!!… don’t read this post if you don’t want to know how this 51 year old show turned out…]

So this woman undergoes drastic, I mean, drastic, cosmetic surgery. Her entire face needs to be transformed in order for her to … read the rest. . .

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by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

In the Beginning
Nothing, expanded.
Blueprinted. Released.
Designed and planned for.

In the Beginning
Foundations laid.
Strength. Support.
Sun and moon and stars all over.

Fresh and new.

Water and wood and
Green and blue

Views into the unknown.
Doors to the future
Expanding foundation.

Stairs and guards and patios and cellars
For climbing and protecting
And sharing and hiding.

Learning, growing.
Planting roots, planting beauty.
Adding color, adding room.

Keeping up, trimming back
Filling out, fixing up
Settling in.

Creating, remembering.
Mistakes, majesties.

Repairs and hard work… read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: