Jan 5, 2014 |
For the last several years, certain songs will find their place on my Favorites playlist. Some are inspirational, some are aerobic, and some are just plain great to listen to.
Usually by February, a playlist for the year has built itself. I don’t often give much thought to what songs are added. I just suddenly realize this or that tune means much to me and so it’s natural to add it to the current listening selection.
I’m already building this year’s soundtrack. It’s positively incomplete which means it has much potential. But so far, here’s what I’ve got:
2014: The … read the rest. . .
Jan 29, 2013 |
I love driving at Twilight. I’d forgotten that until I started working again. Driving home in the near-dark with Sinatra playing through the speakers is a nightly experience I consistently relish.
In the Winter rains, the fresh air and delicate winds bring a certain feel with them.
There’s something quite magical about the mix of neon and starlight, of headlights and stoplights reflecting off the hard pavement and sidewalks.
When I was otherwise unemployed, my driving was nearly confined to only the sandy desert roads less maintained by the City. Now I traverse Main Street each day. With Winter on … read the rest. . .
Jan 12, 2012 |
I like to make CD’s of my favorite songs. Some are themed for inspiration, or upbeat for those roadtrips I keep getting lost on. There’s always at least one each year that seems to become my Soundtrack for the year: that CD that holds songs that inspire and move me.
Some of the songs are repeats each year. Sometimes, it’s the singer that remains the same. There are songs that remind me of friends. Songs that help me dream big. Songs that bring back memories. And songs that are just great to boogie-oogie-oogie to.
So far this year, I’ve made … read the rest. . .
Sep 16, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
My mom and I and Dot are all pretty close. Three generations of women living in close proximity (don’t forget the five female felines!). Mom lives alone, just down the street, but we’re at each other’s house often enough. We talk every day, often. Our houses even have the same floor plan, but reversed. (That explains why we zig when we think we should zag.)
It’s pretty hilarious when I call my mom and we both have the same topics in our heads. We both want to make mac-n-cheese on Saturday. We both watch the … read the rest. . .