Jul 7, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
You know, we’re halfway through the year and I still haven’t reached all my goals. That private jet? In someone else’s name. Book deal? Workin’ on it. Owning a writers’ cafe? Yah. That’s on the back burner for a while longer. [See what I did there? Cafe? Burner? Sigh . . . ]
So, I’m sitting here thinking, egads! [True story. I actually said “Egads!” out loud. To no one except the fur family. Some days I’m glad they can’t talk English.] But back to it. I’m sitting here thinking, egads! I’ve been so busy … read the rest. . .
Jul 20, 2015 |
Dear Reader,
We’ve been through a lot, you and I. You’ve read from the beginning when Frankly, My Dear . . . started out as a diary of a sort of social experiment, then grew.
First I learned to crawl, then walk, and threw in with some nifty vocabulary lessons.
It’s been over four years of fun, drama, food, family, life, death, everything and nothing. And y’all have stuck with me like melted cheese on a hot spoon.
You’ve been there as I started New Inklings Press. You supported my fundraising for The Unemployment Cookbook and #MoJoDoingTheWriteThing.
You’ve been … read the rest. . .
Aug 6, 2013 |
Just over a month ago, I posted The Penny Parable – Part I. To be honest, I was nervous. This is a Parable that is so very near, dear and personal to me. I’ve told it a hundred times to anyone who would listen, but I wasn’t sure I could do justice writing it out for the Blog. God has a remarkable way of using people to reach others, and I have been blessed with wonderful stories of how this Parable has helped others see the Little Things that God is blessing them with.
A few months ago, I … read the rest. . .
Jun 25, 2013 |
Anyone who knows me knows I have an affinity for pennies. As a child, finding one made the world amazing. Lucky. Blessed. Finding a penny was like opening a door to adventure. I would look around for the unexpected second, and very rare third penny laying about. Finding just one made any kind of day miraculous.
I’ve kept that magic with me. To this day, I still revel in the joy of those small and simple copper coins, but for other, deeper reasons.
As a person who continues to struggle with making ends meet on a regular basis, I take … read the rest. . .