Just. Breathe.

The Unemployment Cookbook, Second Edition is on its way to the Writer’s Digest 21st Annual Self-Publication Competition.

I only wish I didn’t have to wait until mid-October to know if I won or not. Five months of forgetting how to breathe…

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

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read the rest. . .
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“Be Not Afraid”. Yes, I’m talking to YOU.


And then, again.


That’s what my friend Lisa says these types of writings do for her. When God uses me to write His message on her heart. She gets thunked.

As you’ve undoubtedly noticed from my incredible lack of writing lately, there’s not been a lot of thunking going on. Sorry, Lisa.

I need a respite. A retreat. I need to find a way to afford a weekend getaway to disconnect from the world and reconnect with my daughter, my writing, and my God. I need nature. To spend time in His world and renew my view. I … read the rest. . .

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From Cover to Cover

The last few weeks have been as busy as ever. Never could I have imagined the bulk of my work for the Cookbook would come after the success of the Kickstarter campaign! But here it is, and I’m filling hours with orders for merchandise, approving final edits, managing mail lists… what a great, exhausting time this is!

Are you ready for a surprise? Until just about ten days ago, I assumed the cover for the Second Edition would be the same. That is, until I received this flavorful photo.

And then I got to thinking… and talking with my Designer. … read the rest. . .

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Q&A: What is this Cookbook Project and How Does it Work? [UPDATE]

Note: The Cookbook Project is still in development. Accordingly, reader feedback is also fluent. Originally posted on Sunday, January 20, 2013, this post has
been updated to reflect further questions and answers, as well as
to clarify those already posted.

Whether you’re a long-time friend or an infrequent visitor to Frankly, My Dear… you’re probably aware that I’m trying to raise funds to publish THE UNEMPLOYMENT COOKBOOK, SECOND EDITION.

With less than two one weeks left for this Project to fund, I’m trying hard to not spam every inbox, every Facebook and twitter post, and every social media friend … read the rest. . .

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Remember the Good Days

As I start this, I just know it will end up on Shell’s “Pour Your Heart Out” Page. I’m thankful for her keeping that weekly link up open so I can spill my emotional vomit and not be the only one doing it. Misery loves company, right?

Okay, so it’s not all miserable. But it’s a lot of what I can’t, or won’t, normally write. Today’s post is about life. And death. And a few things in between.

The last week has been a mixture of endurance, sorrow, mourning, and sickness. The details don’t really matter. My Blog friend, Jenn, … read the rest. . .

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