The Desires of My Heart

[This post is one of my Ten Bible Verses I Try to Live By]

Psalm 37:4 is one of my favorites. The NIV version reads

“Delight yourself in the LORD,
and he will give you
the desires of your heart.”

I often feel this verse is misinterpreted.

It doesn’t tell us that once we devote ourselves to God He will bless us abundantly with those things on our wish list. He’s not Santa, waiting to mark us on the “Good” List; or withhold from us when we make mistakes.

Rather, it’s when we find ourselves lost in Him that … read the rest. . .

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Ten Bible Verses

Since I’m on this blog-improvement kick, I figure it would be a good idea to actually complete the pages I started so long ago, so I just finished updating my Tenfold Page: Ten Bible Verses I Try to Live By.

I’d had four listed there previously. Err, rather, the cites. Tonight I not only posted the cites of my ten favorite Bible verses, but I typed out the verses themselves.

I was reminded all over again of exactly why those particular verses are so special to me. And in the coming weeks, I hope to share in depth with … read the rest. . .

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