Jun 14, 2012 |
My friend Mary sent me this photo last week. This turtle came to say hi to her at work. She said it was most likely nesting and laying eggs. A few hours later, the turtle was gone, and there was no sign of any eggs.
I asked her if I could use this photo. First, because it’s just an awesome photo. I mean, look at those eyes! And the size of those claws and feet! I’d hate to tussle with those.
The other reason I wanted to use Mary’s photo is because it reminds me of a story I’d nearly … read the rest. . .
Jan 15, 2012 |
Almost everyone’s familiar with the Tortoise and the Hare: that arrogant, got-it-all rabbit taunting the always-trudging turtle in a race to the finish. In the end of course is the predictable winner: the turtle. Why? Because he kept at it. Whereas the rabbit thought he was so far ahead he could chill out, relax, goof off. Well too much partying left him in the dust and that little turtle kept on trucking and made it through the challenges to cross that winning line first.
I think sometimes I’m that turtle. There are so many people that not only know what … read the rest. . .