Five Things Friday: What About Water?

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

I know. You’re thinking, “Water? Seriously?”

But, yes. Seriously. I’m sitting here wondering what to write for 5TF, and drinking my fruit-infused water, and it hit me. The idea, not the water. Oh, that would be bad, especially since that would prob’ly mean water on Blue Raven. Yikes. Oh, sorry. I digress. What were we talking about? Right. Water.

Forget the fact that without water there would be no coffee or sweet tea. It’s good for so many other things, too!

Don’t believe me? Read on . . . But first, watch this short read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

The Solution

I’ve been praying all wrong.

Last night God whispered through my shouts.

Last night I was holding on so tight, begging for resolution that didn’t come.

I asked Him, “Why?”

He pried my hands lose so He could hold them.

He said, “Stop limiting me.”

I said, “Why aren’t you fixing this? I mean, I’m trying to trust you and all, but why aren’t you fixing this?”

He said, “Who says I’m not?”

I stomped. I pointed. I whined.

I said, “Because it’s not fixed! I can see it’s not fixed. How am I supposed to trust you when you’re … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: