Edie Melson: Don’t Get Hacked. 8 Tips to Stay Safe Online.

I met Edie within minutes of arriving at my first Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in 2015. By the end of Tuesday night, she had not only mentored me in her classes, but we became friends. I still remember as the conference came to a close, she told me, “You better stay in touch, girl. We’re cut from the same cloth.” I couldn’t have a better compliment from someone I respect so much.


While you can find me at her blog, The Write Conversation, every third Monday of the month, I wanted my own readers to experience read the rest. . .

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Social Media for the Anti-Social

Here’s a not-so-secret: I love social media. It’s where I connect with others, share my life, promote authors and their projects, and yes, play my fair amount of Candy Crush. I know. Gaming isn’t the same as social media. But when all you have to offer is candy life, it counts, okay?

But not everyone feels the same. I can’t quite get my head around what I’m about to say, but I hear tell there are actually people out there who dislike social media.

Can you imagine? People who would rather get a tooth pulled than post a status … read the rest. . .

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