Meeting Charles Dickens

Saturday was the monthly meeting of the California Writers Club, High Desert Branch. I’ve been a member for just under two years and have been, well, no other word suffices ~ I have been blessed.

To be surrounded with a group of like-minded people who “get” the why of writing, who quote and embellish and say “Wait!” as we write a note on anything including our own skin if there’s no paper around ~ these are the people I live with and for.

The critique groups, salons, meetings, and friendships are more than I ever anticipated being a part of. … read the rest. . .

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#DoingTheWriteThing Recap: August 24, 2014

The wind has been blowing here at Bedford Manor. At times its brought with it a cleansing rain, at others, it just stirs the dust. There’s been heat, sun, clouds, humidity, wind, and stillness. The weather just can’t make up its mind.

It’s symbolic of how I’ve been feeling lately ~ uncertain as to my purpose. I hit a rather large wall of writer’s block last month and it’s taken me until two days ago to chisel it down.

I’d previously set a goal to have the first (and hopefully only) draft of NOLA finished by now. I’d wanted to … read the rest. . .

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