New Inklings Press is the name of my new company. My new company. My. Company.


I have a business license. A bank account. A binder to keep every bit of important paperwork. My website will be up and running within a few days. And today the local newspaper is running my Fictitious Business Name.

How. Awesome. Is. That?

I am now licensed to publish, edit, write; and get paid for it. Of course, these business steps didn’t enable me to be able to do so. I’ve been doing those things (minus the actual publishing) for quite some time now.

But it has given me a push.

A great direction.

A stinking huge neon sign that screams


Since I lost my job last July, I’ve been… well… let’s just say I don’t beautify myself like I used to. But all that changed when I filed for my business license.

Now I have a public purpose again. I have a reason to wear my red blouse and make-up. And it feels good getting Dolled up. It reminds me that I’m worth Dolling up for. Even if there wasn’t a company. Even if there wasn’t a Cookbook or Devotional Study or Poetry.

I’m worth the nail polish. I’m worth the coffee. I’m worth every ounce of effort that I pour into typing each day, reading each night, and observing every tiny detail I can.

A year ago I didn’t have a blog. Now I have a blog. A writing partner. A writing group. A company. A host of ideas. A website. A business.

I chose the name New Inklings Press to give homage to that great writer, C.S. Lewis. In the 1950s, he and J.R.R. Tolkien were part of a writing group called the Inklings. They used to meet in a booth in an old English pub. Since Megan and I do our best collaborating over a Denny’s lunch or Starbuck’s, I floated the idea of calling ourselves The New Inklings. She loved it!

It suits us. She loves Lord of the Rings the way I love Narnia. And we work well together. Their writings carry a Christian theme. So do ours.

Having the company gives me permission to keep doing what I love doing: Write.

And I have more on that subject, but you’ll have to wait til tomorrow. For now, I have a story to tell.

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

This Thing Called Pinterest
Finally... SNOW!
Sweeten my tea and share: