The last few days I’ve enjoyed my home improvement kick and yard beautification attempts. I’d like to say I’m seeing tiny new sproutlings in the flower beds and on the tomato stems… but I can’t really be sure.
Today I bought three new plants as well. A lovely yellow and green Sweet Broom for under the living room window, yellow and purple Lantana to spread over the stump, and Elijah Blue to grow in the corner.
Little by little, my dirt lot is becoming a yard.
I didn’t have time to take photos today, because I also have a leaky drip system and when I finally found the source, it wasn’t the real source. Which means more digging tomorrow. Yea! Dirt under the fingernails is an awesome feeling.
I uncovered (rather, finally paid attention to) a hanger for a flagpole, too. So this Bedford Manor will be flying the Red, White and Blue soon!
I’d write a lot more, but the truth is I was doing yardwork and housecleaning all morning so that I could spend over three hours in a movie theatre this afternoon with Mom and Dot to watch TITANIC.
It’s an overwhelming experience, to see it after all these years on the Big Screen. I visited the actual Titanic exhibit at the Luxor in Las Vegas last summer; and the Queen Mary, which was fashioned after the Titanic, is docked in Long Beach so every now and then I’ve been there. All that to say, watching the TITANIC today was really moving.
With that, I still have studies and writing to do, so for now I shall say adieu.
And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!