My Apologies

I had my blog settings set incorrectly recently, which allowed a spam comment to come through as a posting, or so it appeared on my end. I deleted it immediately, and reconfigured my settings. So all is well. It wasn’t offensive, just spam. And it was my own errors that allowed it to slip through. But on the off-chance that a nonsensical post about battery life shows up in your inbox, I apologize.

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

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read the rest. . .
Sweeten my tea and share:

My First Cake: Wilton Lamb Pan

I made my first ever cake today. My first ever real cake. I’ve done the Easy-Bake oven thing as a kid. And in my not terribly distant past, I tried the microwave/stoneware concoction. That was not a cake. That was a moist mush.

So today, I made my first ever cake.

And not just any cake, but a Lamb-shaped cake.

And it was incredibly easy. With Wilton step-by-step instructions and a little creativity, the hardest part was washing the dishes.

It. Was. Cute.

It was almost too cute to eat. Almost. Yeah… we felt really bad eating that cute, … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Honorable Mention

You know how somedays you just need a little pick-me-up? Well, that’s not the kind of day I had today.

Today, just as the several preceding days, has been pretty fantastic. The flowers are pushing up little green leaves from the dirt. The sun is bathing everything with its glorious Vitamin D. The house has stayed surprisingly clean. And last night I taught my Second Family that not all laughter is the same.

Today I’m baking my first cake ever. Ever. Evvvverrr. This fact eluded me until I planned to bake a cake for my wonderful Mother’s birthday a … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: