I’ve been wanting a bird bath for almost three years. There was an old plastic one cemented into the ground when I moved in. But it was plastic. In cement. In an awkward place. Needless to say, it was promptly removed and disposed of.
Which left my dirt yard in want of an oasis.
So today Mom and I went to K-Mart and I found this great, short blue marbled ceramic bird bath. We bought it and brought it home. Did I mention it was short?
I placed it in the corner of the makeshift flowerbed under my living room window then went inside. I sat in my Writing Chair off the corner of the living room and looked out the window. The love seat was in the way. The bird bath was too short.
So I went back outside. I moved the bird bath and laid two large bricks, side by side, on their sides, for a base. I moved the bird bath back on top the bricks. I went back inside. I sat in my Writing Chair. The bird bath was still too short.
So I went back outside. I moved the bird bath. Again. I laid two medium bricks, side by side, on their sides, on top the two large bricks. I moved the bird bath back. Again. I went back inside and sat in my Writing Chair. Again. The bird bath was still too short.
I decided to move my love seat. But the only place to put it is where my Writing Chair is. So I moved my Writing Chair. And end table. And vacuumed the floor. And moved the loveseat away from the window. And vacuumed the floor. And moved my Writing Chair in front of the living room window.
The loveseat does not look good where it is. I have to turn my neck back to look out the window. There’s no place for the ottoman.
So I thought about doing that feng shui thing. But I don’t know how. I don’t even really know what it is. But right now, I think my living room has exploded. I’m living proof that the chaos theory is real. And I’m really, really not sure how to fix it. Now that the floors are clean, if I move the furniture back I need to make sure the furniture is also clean. [READ: vacuum fur from five cats off the fabric, and wash the throw blankets and find slipcovers or sheets to further protect everything.]
So half of my living room is a disaster and the other half is in a holding pattern, waiting to see what lands where. And how.
And all I really wanted was just a blue bird bath. Who knew the chaos that would ensue?! But then again, it’s me… this should have been expected.
[Update: it’s three hours later. The bird bath has been moved further out into the yard, closer to the trees. The birds are already much cleaner. The furniture has been moved back to where it all was. It’s much cleaner. The vacuum… well… I’m waiting for the day that vacuums can clean themselves.]
And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!