Wow, can you believe it’s the last week of June already? I can’t! I thought once Dot graduated that it would go by slower. Truth is, we’ve been enjoying so much family and friends time that the last month has flown by.

In other respects, it’s also been very slow. I keep waiting for any job opportunity to come my way. So far, no joy. I thought having so much time on my hands would lead to some great writing, but the truth is, it had an adverse affect. I’ve felt a little useless lately. A little non-contributive (is that a word? It is now!). But that stopped a few days ago. I really started reading and writing again (Have you entered to win your own copy of Louis L’Amour’s Short Story Collection? Click on the first link under this post to do so!).

I’ve been working on a new short story set in New Orleans. Except I know it won’t be a short story. Because it took me three pages just to introduce the protagonist (main character). Yup. That’s a big word. I’m trying to use bigger words, to grow my vocabulary. I’ve been perusing the web and finding that, while I enjoy the chit-chat language and vernacular, I also enjoy reading that which makes me feel smarter, that which challenges my language skills. If I have to use a dictionary at least twice a week, I like it. More than that, and I’m in Heaven. Every day, though, and it’s too much. So. Yes. I’m creating a smart protagonist. And I’m loving it.

I’m also coming to terms with my emotions. Dot’s a high school graduate. She’s practically an adult. It’s weird to see her going out with her friends so much. And for me to stay at home. We used to do family dates. Now, she’s got her group, and I’ve got… my chair. Not that I don’t have friends. I just don’t go out as much. She goes to movies and dinners. My friends and I just hang out at each others’ houses (mostly theirs, since most of my friends have cat allergies). I don’t mind. It’s just different. I’m not as social as I used to be.

May brought about the death of Dot’s boyfriend, and the end of my beloved FLASHPOINT, and several job opportunities that didn’t come through. I was pretty angry at God for a while, and I had to come to terms with that. I’m not ready to write it out yet. But suffice to say, that as always, I know God is God and I’m not so any time I think I know better… I’m an idiot.

So you can see I’ve a plethora of emotions that I’m still working through. I’m so thankful for my wonderful family and friends. They put up with me, keep me in check, and just nod and say, “I know…” when I start to cry. I’m also learning that just because I cry a lot does not mean I’m weak. I’ve already started a blog post on that, but I want to make it better before publishing.

I’m looking forward to someday soon being able to give back to my family and friends as much as they give to me. To tell Jaye, “Heck yeah, let’s have coffee!” and to give Megan a workable manuscript. To try new recipes with my mom. Just to let everyone know, I love them. I’m a people-person. And as Jaye told me today, “I’m your peeps.” I like that. I think that should be our motto whenever we see someone we know.

You never know what someone’s going through. And we’re all going through something. Nobody’s life is perfect, is stress free, is truly fine. Everyone has something. Wouldn’t it be neat to know we’re not alone? When we’re going through life, wouldn’t it be great if someone stepped along side and said, “I’m your peeps.” Even if they don’t know, even if we can’t share the load, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to walk with? Wouldn’t it be great for others if we could say it to them?

“I’m your peeps.”

Yeah. I think the world might be a better place.

And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!

What’s the Word? Wednesdays is a linky that allows other bloggers to share whatever is on their minds that they want to talk about. Think of it as a virtual coffee date with some great friends.
What’s going on in your world? Tell us all about it!

A few things to remember:

  • Each week’s linky is valid from Wednesday through the following Tuesday. So if you link a post today, you can still come back and link another post tomorrow!
  • If you add a link, please put the badge on your post as well.
  • Be sure to check out what others are posting, and even leave a few comments.

After all, a great coffee date is one where everyone gets to chat, dontcha think?


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