It’s already Wednesday.
Wait. What?
It’s already Wednesday?!
This week has gone by far too fast for me. Dot’s now enrolled in college. College! I’ve got ten resumes out for review, and I’m considering signing up with and [If any of you have advice regarding either of those sites, please… I’m all ears!] We had our second class of cake decorating, and Dot’s creation garnered her incredible attentions. I don’t often put photos up on my Facebook page unless they’re linked to posts. But Monday night I posted her cake, as well as wrote about it yesterday. I don’t have tons of followers on Facebook, but I was really impressed to see that Dot’s Cake is my most popular photo to date. Way to go, Kid! I’m one proud Momma!
Last week’s “What’s the Word?” Wednesday Blog Hop was my most popular to date. I love seeing the diversity of writings offered up around the Blogosphere. Would you like to be a part of it?
“What’s the Word?” Wednesdays is a link-up that allows other bloggers and readers to share whatever they want to talk about. Think of it as a virtual coffee date with some great friends. What’s going on in your world? Tell us all about it!
A few things to remember:
- Each week’s link-up is valid from Wednesday through the following Tuesday. So if you link a post today, you can still come back and link another post tomorrow! In fact, you can link up as many posts as you want.
- If you add a link, please put the badge on your post as well.
- Be sure to check out what others are posting, and even leave a few comments.
- You can now show your “likes” by voting for your favorite links.
So, c’mon. Join the conversation. After all, a great coffee date is one where everyone gets to chat, dontcha think?
Linked in is a good idea now that they’ve fixed their password issue. You can connect with people you used to work with or otherwise know, and grow your connections from there.
Kickstarter is great–I’ve known a lot of people to do successful projects because of it. It works best, though, with a specific idea or project, well-planned. A friend’s sister put up a poetry project and made $2500; in return, she offered tiered “rewards”. For a $ contribution, you get a monthly postcard, for a $$ contrib, you get postcards and a copy of the finished piece. Stuff like that. So if you’re not careful, it can be a lot more work than just promotion. But it works! Good luck on both!
Thanks for the information, Beth. I truly appreciate it!
Molly Jo recently posted..My Baby Blog is Growing Up!
Howdy! thanks for hosting this opportunity to share! Kids going off to college is a traumatic experience, but you will get through it!!
Sylvia Phillips recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Eyeron’s Day Out!
You’re welcome, Sylvia. Thanks so much for your comment.
Molly Jo recently posted..My Baby Blog is Growing Up!
Thanks for the link up and nice too see all the link ups from last week : )
Ann recently posted..Summer Calendar
I love that you always have such wonderful link-ups. Thanks, Ann!
Molly Jo recently posted..My Baby Blog is Growing Up!