Recently I posted a question on my Facebook page: How do you feel about abortion? I know it’s a Hot-Button issue. My intent is not to stir the waters, not to preach my personal views. Just to find out what other people think.
It’s been eye-opening and I appreciate everyone’s input.
The two most popular words in this discussion are “choice” and “murder”. When all the color fades away and the soapboxing is over what’s left is “choice” and “murder”.
Abortion is a political topic, a religious topic, and a personal topic. I strongly believe that no matter where you fall in the spectrum, your view contains both those words.
Everyone makes a choice when it comes to abortion. You choose to be Pro-Life or Pro-Choice. You choose whether to allow abortion into your life or not. And you may choose differently in different stages of your life.
Everyone chooses to believe whether or not it’s murder. Differing studies and beliefs state life begins at conception, in the womb, or at birth. Your personal belief strongly affects your choice.
I’m not going to delve into scientific research and religious views. Because for every pro there is a con, and for every “A” there is a “B”. And it bothers me when people pit religion and science and politics against each other. Every side has their own foundation.
But I’d like to ask a few questions:
- At what stage does a fetus become a person?
- If a woman has the right to choose what happens to her own body, who chooses what happens to the baby?
- Why is it okay to legislate against murder, but not against abortion?
- If abortion is a religious topic, does it belong in legislation?
- If abortion is a legal issue, how can it be Pro-Choice (left up to the individual)?
- If abortion is a personal decision, why should it be publicly decided?
- Are there other issues that fall under the Religious v. Political umbrella?
I’m not sure where I stand on abortion legislation. I have my personal beliefs, but I’m not a “one size fits all” kinda Doll. I realize no matter what I feel/think/believe, there are others who support my views and others who don’t. And there are situations in which my perspective has no bearing.
I believe, whether or not abortion is legal, it will still be performed. The world as a whole has grown comfortable with the idea and you can’t un-ring a bell. If abortion is legal, it protects women. If not, while it tries to protect the fetus, it will cause abortionists and women to become criminals in the eyes of the law.
I don’t quite understand why, what so many claim to be a personal choice, needs to be decided so publicly, for everyone.
Everyone’s story is different. Everyone’s background, heritage, experience, and life is different.
After reading and talking with you, you’ve reaffirmed that abortion is not a “one size fits all” kind of discussion.
And I’m left with this simple statement:
There is no simple answer.
And Frankly, My Dear… that’s all she wrote!
I think abortion should be left to the conscience of the women.
Ann recently posted..Hallo-ween
Thanks for your comment, Ann. I appreciate the feedback.
check out this photo!
Sylvia phillips recently posted..The Child With Autism Learns About Faith: A Book Review
That’s quite a statement. Thank you for posting.
I wrote a post on this once .. It’s not exactly my best piece, but I do feel very strongly about this. I believe in standing up for the weak, those who cannot stand up for themselves. I believe when making choices, all involved should have a say. I am pro-educating the women about their choice because many don’t really understand what abortion really is or does. I don’t believe in abortion.
Larissa T. recently posted..A Cliché.
Thank you, Larissa. Please feel free to link your post here in the comments. I’d like to read it.
“Everyone chooses to believe whether or not it’s murder. Differing studies and beliefs state life begins at conception, in the womb, or at birth.”
It’s not murder. I know a lot of people call it that but that’s not an accurate term to apply and here’s why. Murder, by definition, is the illegal killing of another human being. As such, no matter when you think that life begins, abortion cannot be correctly defined as murder because it is legal. There’s an argument to be made, based on the individual understanding of when life begins, that abortion is killing, but not all killings are murder in American society.
“I believe, whether or not abortion is legal, it will still be performed.” You’re totally right and it will be performed at roughly the same rate that it was performed before it was legal and afterward. See the link below and the post I link for other data.
“Your personal belief strongly affects your choice.”
As it should. My personal belief should not have any influence on YOUR choice, however and that’s really the crux of the argument.
The abortion debate is not one wherein the sides are arguing for life or death. The abortion debate is, in reality, one wherein one side is arguing for the ability to make a private medical decision based on a number of factors personal to the woman and the other side is trying to impose their personal moral and/or religious beliefs on everyone.
The abortion debate is not a conversation about life. It’s a conversation about control. Let’s not get it twisted.
IsobelDeBrujah recently posted..The Post About Abortion
Thanks, Isobel. A very thorough answer, and I truly appreciate your insights.
Very thoughtful post. I commend you for writing on such an emotional issue. i never write on the subject or politics either as they can be powder kegs. I commend you for doing so.
Winnie recently posted..Nature Inspired Sympathy Card
Thanks, Winnie. I agree it’s a hot-button issue, but I felt it deserves some respectful discourse.
One of my issues with the abortion debate is how it will affect birth control. If Roe Vs. Wade were overturned, how does that affect the rest of our choices? Will IUDs remain legal? What about birth control pills? One of the ways that both of those methods work is to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. We could argue that that is abortion. So if we make abortion illegal, not only is that choice taken away from women, but we could also theoretically lose at least two birth control methods. Safe birth control is important, and I want that for my daughters.
The argument here shouldn’t be whether or not to make a legal procedure illegal. It should be about how do we reduce the amount of abortions per year. How do we help young women take care of themselves so that they don’t become pregnant before they’re ready? How do we educate young men about making good choices with their own bodies so that they don’t become fathers while they’re still in high school or college? And no, abstinence only education isn’t the answer. Nobody is every going to agree on when life begins, or when abortion is okay, so this whole thing is a waste of energy. We need to de-stigmatize (AGAIN!) the subject of reproductive health and choice and make resources available to our young people. It’s a better use of time, energy, and money.
Colyn Martin recently posted..Finished Object Friday and Why This Holiday Season Won’t Be As Awesome As The Last Holiday Season
Thanks for your input, Colyn. I hadn’t thought of the birth control issues. Very good points. Thanks for stopping by.