Dec 28, 2012 |
It’s the last Friday of the month, and the year.
I’ve had my Resolutions in place for over a week now.
A writing schedule. A work schedule. A home schedule.
A food budget. A recipe budget. A home budget. An emergency budget.
I have a plan. I plan… to plan.
Since July, 2011 I sort of flew by the seat of my pants. Until I started working again.
Without child support and only 35 hours a week, my income isn’t that great. But it’s mine. And I’m doing the best I can.
I have never wanted to go on Welfare. … read the rest. . .
Dec 26, 2012 |
The holidays are almost over. That mad rush to get from A to Z while making everyone happy and doubling up on the social calendar. It’s time to wind down from all the excitement and regroup with some personal R&R. But something great is just around the corner.
We made it past the predicted Mayan apocalypse. The New Year is almost here.
Can you feel it?
It’s called Hope.
Some expectations I had for this week have been postponed. That’s not the same as canceled. Disappointment is not a disaster.
In the last year or so I’ve seen in hindsight … read the rest. . .
Dec 22, 2012 |
This morning I wanted to write a different post. The kind of post I share on Shell’s Pour Your Heart Out weekly sharing at Things I Can’t Say. That’s the kind of mood I was in.
Instead, I swallowed it. I got my Big Girl Panties on and mud kickin’ boots and boy howdy, did my outlook change!
As you’ve no doubt noticed, I’ve been on a writing vacation of sorts for a few days, and I intend to carry it on through the New Year. In the past four days, I’ve had a very productive business meeting (more … read the rest. . .