Oct 10, 2014 |
I love blogging. I love sharing my little bits and pieces of the world with you. And I love reading other blogs, too.
Today’s Five Things Friday is about some of my favorite blogs.
1. To start with, today I’m the featured guest blogger over at Things They Can’t Say.
So click on the badge to read how I’m not ready to be an empty-nester. It was a hard post for me to write, because I wanted to get it just right. I’m still not sure anyone else will cry when they read it, but maybe if Dot reads it, … read the rest. . .
Oct 8, 2014 |
Note: I’ve known Lily (not her real name) for nearly fifteen years. When she reached out to me this morning, I asked if she’d be comfortable sharing her thoughts on the blog. The subject matter of this post is controversial, but what she has to say is important. Please be respectful with your comments.
Why Lily Couldn’t Sleep Last Night
Before I went to bed last night I took a last-minute glance at online news. I saw a headline that wouldn’t normally get my attention, but this one did. So I clicked into the story.
I can’t express how I … read the rest. . .
Oct 3, 2014 |
When I was young, peacocks were, in my mind, nearly mythical creatures. Their elegant strutting, colorful plumage, and resounding cries were what stories were made of.
Not having any peacocks of my own or in the neighborhood, they were also elusive. A yearly trip to the state zoo often satisfied my curiosity yet left me wondering what it must be like to be so majestic.
The older I grew, the less I went to the zoo. And now, here I am, at least two decades removed from my last up-close animal encounter of any good consequence, with the exception of … read the rest. . .