May 23, 2015 |
I’ve learned a lot in the past month of writers conferences–connecting, sharing, making goals and taking inventory.
One of the things I’m most proud of is to tell others of the great support I receive on a regular basis from so many people. Family, friends, church people, writers groups, readers. . .
I want to give back. I want to move forward.
To start, I’ve lowered the price on The Unemployment Cookbook, Kindle Edition to just $0.99. Always. This isn’t a one-time deal, or a sale. This is the new, regular, always price. Just $0.99. You can either click on … read the rest. . .
May 23, 2015 |
North Carolina is full of rocking chairs and a Mayberry-esque lifestyle. There are rocking chairs in the airports, and there are rocking chairs in the restaurants. In the restaurants, people! I ain’t making this stuff up.
I want to live there. I want to drink more sweet tea and say “y’all” and “honey, sugar” to strangers and call my friends “Sweet Potato” and rock on a front porch as the rain patters down. I want to live in Blue Ridge.
Unfortunately, Blue Ridge is an event, not a place. Well, it’s both, but when it’s not an event, it can … read the rest. . .
May 18, 2015 |
Thank you, Mary Thompson, for urging my return back to California. If I could stay here, surrounded by these amazing people, I would. But once the conference is over and the halls are empty, I’ll return to Catford Manor and the High Desert.
There is only one other attendee who came as far as Beckie and I did to attend this conference. She came from Washington State.
New people are amazing. I have friended and been friended by more like-minded souls than I knew existed. So many are my favorites. So many are saying, “I need a friend like you!” … read the rest. . .