by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Frankly, On Faith.
There are many Bible verses that discuss God’s time. He is eternal, but we are not. We have an earthly beginning and end. And in the current pressures to multi-task and do more, more, more, we often feel we can’t keep up and will never get any of it done.
In those moments, it’s okay ~ good, even ~ to step back. Step down. Say, “Wait.” Say, “No.” It’s good to know we don’t have to do it all, and we don’t have to have it all done at the same time. It’s good to focus on what’s really important.
God gives us time and time again, His all. His forgiveness. His strength. His beauty. His peace. He doesn’t count to three and say, “You’re out.” He doesn’t even remember the nagging.
Please, God. Fix the this. Handle the that. Do it. Do it. Do it.
No, God simply says, “I’m with you. And you’re enough for me just the way you are.”
And He’s waiting for us to say it right back to Him.
To spend time with Him is the ultimate gift we can give.
“But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends:
A day is like a thousand years to the LORD,
and a thousand years is like a day.”
~2 Peter 3:8 NLT
Do you think your thirty second prayer doesn’t count? It does. Is it insignificant when you sleepily breathe, “Good night, Lord. Thank you for another day.”? Not at all. He knows all about you, He knows all of you. He knows your heart. And if you continue to go to Him, your seconds will turn to minutes to hours to days until they lead you to eternity.

Frankly, On Faith: Time for Everything
There is no amount of time on earth so slight that He doesn’t want to be a part of it. There is no moment in your life He doesn’t want to be with you, for you, for your world.
TWEET THIS: Frankly, On Faith: Time for Everything. @RealMojo68 #franklyonfaith #God #Bible
And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!
Very wisely said.
William Kendall recently posted..Rockhound
Thank you, William.
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Beckie Lindsey: When God is Silent