by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Frankly, My Dear. . . The Best of Funds for Writers, C. Hope Clark
Disclaimer: I’m friends with C. Hope Clark on Facebook so when she offered a copy of her book in exchange for an honest review, I jumped. Y’all know I love sharing what I know. And what I know is she knows her stuff. Read on . . .
“This book is a motivational, go-to, elementary reminder that if you desire to be a writer, you deserve to be respected for it.” ~ C. Hope Clark, The Best of Funds for Writers.
I’m gonna tell y’all upfront that if I hadn’t received this book from her (autographed, too. Thanks, Hope!) I would have bought my own. I’ve subscribed to her newsletter in the past, but thinking I was receiving too many emails, hers was in the batch I unsubscribed to. Thanks to this handy-dandy guide, I’ve resubscribed, and it’s reignited my passion.
I love books. Of course I do. I’m figuring most of you do too. Or else you’re just here to read my sweet Southern drawl, am I right or am I right? Anyway, I love books that are small and light and fit in my bag. You never know how long the line at the post office or bank will take, or where lunch will be. It’s good to have a book for a quick grab-and-go.
This book is so good I want to trash it.
Now, hold on. I’m not talking about trash-trashing a book. My good sweet tea, honey, NO. That’s sacrilege. I’m saying, I may get myself a second one so I can cut it into Happy Planner pieces for inspirational bookmarks, that’s how good this book is. Can you imagine all these quotes washi-taped and colorized and highlighted? Mm-hmm. I guess we know what my next Happy Planner will be, don’t we?
But we’re talking about this book. And this book book is so much more. It’s not just a one-time read-through experience. This is a great reference book, a must have for any serious writer. And let’s just resurface that new argument, You can’t write in a Kindle. I imagine by my second read through, this book will have even more notes in the margins.
It’s broken into bite-size chapters (the longest is under four pages long) and easy-to-read formatting. Important, pay-attention-to-this items are bolded. Each chapter includes quotes from deliciously wonderful books and authors, the first being Anne of Avonlea. Hulloh! You think that didn’t endear this book to my nobody-touches-it-but-me stack?! That’s right, it did.
Part One covers topics written by Hope, Part Two is written by her guests. We’re talking easy-peasy advice like
- To Website or Not to Website
- The Zillion Little Pieces of Our Writing
- Write Daily or Not
- The Importance of Writer Self-Education
- Tactics & Tips Selling Your Books on Consignment
- On Being a Travel Writer for AAA
As with her website and newsletter, this little book is like a foil-wrapped Wonka bar (and we all know how I feel about Willy Wonka!) – so full of good little treats you just don’t know what you’ll get bite after bite. But you want more so you buy another bar. Side Note: Did you know Wonka candies are no longer available? I didn’t. *insert sad face here* Luckily, you don’t have to buy another book, or go without. You can just keep reading this one.

Frankly, My Dear . . . She said “Frankly!”
With practical advice on how to reach for your dreams, Hope’s book is a great reference, and Hope is a great encourager.
What are some of your favorite books on writing?
TWEET THIS: Want to earn money as a writer? There’s Hope! @RealMojo68 @hopeclark #fundsforwriters #amwriting
With Hope, a pen, and never-ending chocolate bar,
Happy writing,
~Molly Jo
And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!
Molly Jo, this is one of the best new books about writing out today. I will read and re-read and look up all the wonderful websites included. I’ve also read Clark’s fiction, her Edisto series, and they are suspenseful and wonderful as well. And everyone should subscribe to the free FundsforWriters for markets and other ideas.
Mary, I remember you emailed me her FFW link a few years ago. So helpful! Thank you.
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Review: The Best of Funds for Writers, C. Hope Clark
You’re welcome, Molly Jo!
I looked on Amazon and all I saw was the Kindle edition. Does she have it in paperback somewhere? It looks good. Well reviewed by you and others.
Deanna, So sorry you could not receive the book in print. Send me your address via and I’ll drop an autographed copy in the mail for you. No charge. I appreciate you letting me know Amazon had not put the book up in print. Fixed!
Deanna, thanks for pointing this out. It’s a very good resource. I hope you and Kara get much use from it.
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Review: The Best of Funds for Writers, C. Hope Clark
Ah, thanks for this glorious review!!!!!! And thanks to Deanna’s comment, I checked with Amazon and found their glitch! The book will be available in print in two days or less. Thanks a bunch!
Huzzah! It’s a win-win situation. You’re so welcome, Hope. Thank you for the resources. You truly are an encouragement to writers everywhere. It *can* be a “real” job!
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Review: The Best of Funds for Writers, C. Hope Clark
I absolutely love Hope’s FFW page. I miss some weeks, as life pulls me away, but whenever I start to wonder what the heck I’m doing here, I click one of her email links and BAM! It all comes back. She’s encouraging, inspiring, and her pages always have great advice. I will certainly buy this book–thanks for the review.
Since you ask, other good writing books I’ve read are Steven King’s On Writing, and James Scott Bell’s Plot & Structure.
I have On Writing both on Audio and hardcopy. It’s my version of a read-along. ;)
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Review: The Best of Funds for Writers, C. Hope Clark
Molly Jo, well, I’m sold. Thanks for telling us about this book and newsletter.
You’re welcome! Thought you’d appreciate this resource.
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Review: The Best of Funds for Writers, C. Hope Clark
I just ordered the paperback from Amazon; they have it in stock.
Glad it’s available! Enjoy.
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Review: The Best of Funds for Writers, C. Hope Clark
Very interesting! I look forward to checking it out.
You should. You definitely should. :)
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Review: The Best of Funds for Writers, C. Hope Clark
You had me hooked with “Write Daily or Not.” Now I’m curious! I have a hard time writing daily, as EVERYONE says I should, and sometimes beat myself up over it. Maybe I’m just looking for an out, but I’d love to hear more!
I haven’t been able to write every day for months, but I admit my writing is better when I do. Even just a few minutes a day keeps the writer’s brain active.
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Photoblogger William Kendall: Rideau Hall
I’ve always strived for the goal of writing every day but often let the mundane tasks of every day life get in the way ultimately leaving me unproductive and discouraged. I recently committed to the goal at the beginning of July. I realistically set my target at 1K five days a week. I’m getting up super early, and I’ve never been a morning person. But I tell you what, when you get up 5 a.m. it isn’t to do laundry or pay the bills. If I’m dragging myself out of bed at O’dark early, its to do something for ME! I’m happy to report that I’ve got 31K down already! More importantly, I feel my confidence level soaring–I CAN really do this!
That’s great, Kelly! Yes, write every day. Even if it’s not on your main WIP. Any writing keeps the brain active in that respect. Way to go!
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Review: Boy, 9, Missing, by Nic Joseph
I am also subscribed to her newsletter.
William Kendall recently posted..Confederation
It’s wonderfully helpful, isn’t it?
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Review: Boy, 9, Missing, by Nic Joseph