by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
You would think I would have thought of this before now, but I didn’t. Let’s just get that part out of the way and sweep it under the rug already. Okay? Done? Awesome.
So, y’all know how crazybusy it’s been for me lately but now that NOLA is out of my hands [at least for a week or so], I’ve had some time to take inventory of this and that and HULLO! Nippers brought it to my attention that he doesn’t have his own Instagram account.
I’m like, “Nippers, you don’t need your own account.” And he’s all like, “But I’m the mascot. It’s my company.” And I’m like, “Yeah . . .” And he’s like, “Make me an Instagram account.”
And rather than fight with the frog, I did as he asked.
Y’all can follow the misadventures of Nippers and New Inklings Press on Instagram here or by clicking on the photo above.
And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!
Cute mascot!
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