by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
This post is late again, but that’s because I’ve been trying to think what I could possibly write. This week I’ve been overwhelmed with a sense of thankfulness and gratitude. Not just for the season that it is, but because so many things come to mind that make me smile and fill my soul with joy.
Yes, thankfulness is what this post is about.
- Words. This goes without saying (no pun intended, y’all), but without words, I’d be lost. I am strongest, healthiest, happiest, when I’m able to communicate and network. Some creatives paint, or design buildings, or calculate equations. I word. Yeah, like a verb. I’m so incredibly-can’t-describe-it-fully over-the-moon in love with words.
- Food. Because I need to eat. And I love to cook and bake. Because being in the kitchen is my next favorite place to being in front of my laptop or a good book. There’s something beautiful about adding ingredients together to make something edible, delicious, and worth sharing.
- Books. Like y’all didn’t see this one coming. Of course I’m crazy thankful for books. Books to read, to learn from, even books that aren’t so greatly written are helpful (as in a what-not-to-do sort of way). Whether they’re on Kindle or in print, books are magical worlds to encounter and each world is different. I can time travel, fix someone else’s problems, experience cultures I’ve yet to visit. I can be a superhero. All without leaving home.
- Happy Planners. I know. I talk about these a lot. But especially now that I’m gearing up for next year. I love the creative scheduling it gives me. The ability to do life on my terms, the color-coordinating of my week with my topics with my focus with my destination with my mood. Happy Planning tracks my reading, writing, social media, work, house, budget, and social schedules. They keep me on track with projects. And they allow me to be creative through every step. So yeah. I’m super thankful for Happy Planners.
- Families. There are so many family blends. My blood family takes the cake. We are a crazy, fun, hilarious, loving group of peeps that have so many inside jokes y’all need an interpreter at the family dinners. Then there’s the church family, the writing family, the faux fams, the friends-closer-than-a-brother-family, and all my besties who make up a quasi-sister-clan. I’m thankful for so many things, but mostly for these people who love me as I am yet keep pushing me to strive toward a better greatness than I see in myself. You are all beautiful, and I couldn’t make this journey without you.
With open arms and a peacock feather for everyone,
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!
~Molly Jo
And Frankly, My Dear . . . : That’s all she wrote!
Very good things to be thankful for!
William Kendall recently posted..Fall Beauty
I agree. :)