by Molly Jo Realy (@MollyJoRealy)

When you haven’t blogged in a month, but you don’t want your peeps to forget you, but you’re at your annual conference and forgot how busy this season is. And then you remember you have like, a *lot* of inspirational memes you share as a teaser until you get back into the habit of blogging.

Yeah, that.

Happy viewing, y’all. And, you know. #wishyouwerehere

Leave a comment and let me know which is your favorite.

Announcement and Cover Teaser
Say Hello to my nameless little friend.
Two types of birds …
Be the beautiful mosaic you’re meant to be.
You always have something to bring to the table.
Liz Taylor
MoJo rocking the Crazy Zebra Outfit (zebra leggings by LuLaRoe, Steve Jobs’ Crazy Ones speech on the T-Shirt)
Turn the knob
Choose the right vehicle.
Rest well.
Guts are messy.
Enjoy the journey.
Get back up.
Take care of yourself.
Talk yourself into success.

With a meme-making app and too many blog ideas to post,
Happy Whatevering.

Savor the journey,

And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!

Eight Habits of a Slightly Unsuccessful Writer
My (im-)Perfect Identity
Sweeten my tea and share: