Molly Jo. Mother. Daughter. Worker. Writer. God’s adopted child. I have VIP’s, best friends, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, and enemies.
I love cats, coffee, family, old fashioned values, action movies, TV crime dramas, Starbuck’s, the Backstreet Boys, and my house.
I hate people who talk but don’t act, people who act without thinking, and poverty. I hate the world going to hell in a handbasket.
I believe in God. I believe in being responsible. I believe in Santa Claus, and heroes, and coloring outside the lines.
I eat Italian. I drink Starbuck’s. I cook what I can create.
I wear jeans with my high heels. I wear a dress under my apron. I keep a headband in my hair or on my wrist.
My favorite people are Hannah, Mutti, the Hendricks, Jeff C., Dan B., Pam and Rick, FPTO and fellows, Megan H. and her grandmother, Schmoo, my Blog-Family, and HDC.
My dvr is always loaded with NCIS, Flashpoint, Blue Bloods, Food Network Challenge, Las Vegas, Studio B with Shepherd Smith, Hannity, Grey’s Anatomy, Royal Pains, Friends, Cheers, and Frasier.
My music includes the Rat Pack, the Ink Spots, Barry Manilow, ABBA, the Bee Gees, Barbra Streisand, the Partridge Family, Harry Connick Jr, Michael Buble, Andrea Bocelli, Jars of Clay, and too many soundtracks to mention.
My dvds are a plethora of action and romance and often a combination of both. If it has Neeson or Clooney or Bullock or Damon or Barrymore, I have it.
I read the Bible, Little Women, Little House on the Prairie, Sherlock Holmes, Shane Scully, Left Behind, cop stories, romance novels, greeting cards and grocery lists.
My favorite colors depend on everything. Clothing, house, food, environment. I like tall spikey plants and fat little jade leaves. I decorate like Starbuck’s in Italy.
I love the Mission Inn in Riverside, the Queen Mary in Long Beach, Disneyland, Vegas, and any place my friends might be.
When I have a day job, I work hard during the day and clock out at five. I come home to family. I love to entertain friends. I love being alone but I sure hate being lonely.
I have too many ideas to write just one story at a time.
Pomegranate is a beautiful color but a sloppy food. Coffee is a beautiful food and a beautiful color. Pea green is neither, but jelly bean green is.
I love fresh air and rain and real books that turn pages and smell musty. I love fireplaces even when they’re not working.
I quote movie and TV lines often. I randomly sing and dance around my house and in my car. I cry when I’m happy. I yell when I’m not. I process in my sleep and I wake up refreshed.
I believe in fairies and Peter Pan. I don’t believe people can’t change. And I believe in helping them get there. Even if it’s myself.
I don’t just write. I am a Writer.
“I write for the same reason I breathe:
Because if I didn’t, I would die.”
~Isaac Asimov
Thanks for making me feel normal this morning. Being “diferent” sometimes I forget that “normal” people have some of the same issues as me.
I know you personally, but I don’t know you well enough to have guessed what a happy conglomerate you really are. My life seems quite boring by comparison. I love reading your blog. Even though I just officially subscribed, I’ve lurked for quite a while–enjoying the fun way you string your thoughts together. Your comments about writing made me think of Kristen Heitzmann’s comments on why she writes: “People often ask why I started writing, and I say to get the stories out of my head. Some say they’d like to write a book, but I say if you’re not wracked with labor pains, there are easier ways to express yourself. Being a writer is a solitary, eccentric, and often compulsive path. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
Hi! Thanks for coming over and checking out my blog. Love your “About Me” page and am going to poke around some more! Good luck with your NaBloPoMo!!!!!!
Very fun and interesting intro/About Me page! Well done. :)
Molly, thank you for the plug for my book tonight! You’re the best!