FIVE THINGS FRIDAY: Finding the Write Gift

The gift giving season is upon us and there’s always that one person who’s difficult to buy for. Am I right? And usually, it’s the write person. (See what I did there?)

On this week’s upcoming Firsts in Fiction podcast, we’re talking about that very subject. Over the last week, we (and by we, I mean Aaron, Al, and myself, along with our merry media elves) have posed this question:

What’s a great gift to get the author in your life?

While I don’t want to give away the store (err, answers) here, I thought I’d at least share … read the rest. . .

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Pinterest Worthy: Autumn on a Budget

I love decorating, but let’s face it- sometimes it can be costly. I do what I can to avoid a strain on the wallet.

Autumn starts the holiday season at Bedford Manor. The above collage is from three years ago. I haven’t started to put out my decor this year but that will change in 36 hours.

I get a lot of decorating tips like most of us, from Pinterest. And my mom. She’s the Queen of Budget Decorating.

Just check out these fun and frugal ideas for bringing the colors of the outdoors, indoors.

A small bag of autumn-themed … read the rest. . .

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The Adventures of Will Power and the Basket of Blessings

Will Power. He’s one determined little bear!
To read The Adventures of Will Power and the Haunted House, click here.

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Will Power recently found himself overwhelmed. He felt he was stuck in the Tall Grass.




So many worries, so many cares. So many things to think about, when all he really wanted was to rest. The more he tried, the more wrapped up he became in his worries.

He knew he needed a change, if not in situations, then in perspective. So he took a step back. He looked … read the rest. . .

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