2014: BETTER.

Let’s be real: 2013 was a heart breaker, wasn’t it?

Everyone ~ and I mean everyone ~ has a story of hardship within the last 365 days. At the same time, everyone is looking forward to the New Year.

There’s always a sense of fresh. New. Hope. Promise. Something Good.

Am I right? As you’re reading this, aren’t you nodding and mentally going over your resolutions and new to-do’s? Don’t you feel like whatever happened in 2013, today begins the chance to change? A completely blank slate, to shape it however you want it to be.

Yeah. Me, too.

The … read the rest. . .

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From the Year-Ago Files: February, 2012

Before I devoted more efforts to my Unemployment Cookbook and other writing projects, I blogged much more regularly. From August 2011 through November 2012 I blogged every day. Every. Single. Day.

And while most of it was wonderful, you must admit, there were times when you, as a reader, weren’t too keen on the fact that I wrote every single day. Quality over Quantity was not always my motto.

Of course, now it is. Now, with the Cookbook in production, A Study on the Ten Commandments in pre-editing stages, joining the California Writer’s Club, working a full-time day job, Meal … read the rest. . .

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“What’s the Word?” Wednesday: December 12, 2012

My Word this week is “Better”. I opted to trade in my frustrations and instead look for ways to make things Better.

I can’t change other people: their actions, reactions, lack of action… but I can take what’s at my control and manage my life Better. Sometimes people need a nudge in the right direction… or a push out the door.

I can’t be sad when things don’t work out. If there’s one thing I’ve learned lately, it’s that things work out with or without my interference. The best that I can do is to make any situation Better.

Yesterday … read the rest. . .

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iPhone v. Droid: An unsponsored MoJo review

My daughter has an iPhone 4S. She bought it with money she received for her high school graduation. I, having not graduated recently, still have my two-year-old Android.

In the past two months, I have grown convinced that an iPhone is the phone for me. And this is my official notice that it is now tops on my Christmas List this year. (Or, Hallowe’en treat. Or back-to-school special. Or just “I’m thinking of you NOW” gift, if whoever-you-are is feeling prematurely presentatious.)

The differences between my Droid and Dot’s 4S, in no particular technical order, are:

  • My battery no longer
read the rest. . .
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Why Does Being Politically Correct Mean the Loss of Common Sense?

Remember when we were young and our imaginations let us be anyone, say anything, go anywhere? We held an altruistic view of life. We played Hide-and-Seek. Tag. Used crayons more than pencils. We jumped on the furniture and clung to walls so we wouldn’t get burned by the floor that had become lava in our minds. The only dangers were those we chose to create.

A friend was a friend. We had differences, we disagreed, we even quarreled now and then. But we were still friends. Our families were our safety nets and the place to try out new attitudes … read the rest. . .

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