Five Things Friday: My Happy Planners

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

Okay. So, I guess we knew this post had to happen sooner or later, right? Y’all know my love for Happy Planning. I mean, from the day I brought my first one home I started telling you about it. Remember 2017 Prep: My Happy Planner? And Hobbes’ Mexican Chicken Meatloaf?

I laughed at the groups on Facebook. I saw ridiculous posts of women with four and five planners and entire shelves devoted to the art of the plan.

“No,” I told myself. “I will not be one of those. I will notread the rest. . .

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The Adventures of Will Power and the Basket of Blessings

Will Power. He’s one determined little bear!
To read The Adventures of Will Power and the Haunted House, click here.

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Will Power recently found himself overwhelmed. He felt he was stuck in the Tall Grass.




So many worries, so many cares. So many things to think about, when all he really wanted was to rest. The more he tried, the more wrapped up he became in his worries.

He knew he needed a change, if not in situations, then in perspective. So he took a step back. He looked … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: