Unpacking Blue Ridge

Confession time: I haven’t known how to say everything I need to say. Pretty soon I’ll be rebranding the blog with a stronger focus on social media, writing, and editing. But now and then, I’ll still have some emo to share.

Like this post . . .

Y’all remember the suitcase I picked up a few months ago? [Read: “Oh, The Place You’ll Go!”]

First it took me to Seattle. [Read: FIVE THINGS FRIDAY: Seattle.]

And starting two weeks ago it kept me company at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

Since returning, my peeps have been … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

All I Did Was Take a Photo

Hey y’all (I said “y’all,” y’all!)!

I’m back from my second year at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

Was is everything I hoped it to be? Yes and no.

Yes, because there was much to learn, more to affirm, and an abundance of camaraderie.

No, because in this midst of all that, there were some treasured folk that were deeply missed.

I’ll tell y’all about it later (I said “y’all” again!), but this post is about what I learned about social media. In particular, it’s about one post that taught me about social media.

You see, there’s … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:


Hey, y’all. I trust you had a great weekend.  Mine was wonderfully out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, I don’t have any new photos to share. Crazy, right? I mean, this is me we’re talking about. Oh, well. Take my word for it: the scenery was beautiful.

I drove up to Fresno, which is no little task for me. When I was younger, I used to drive all the time. It was nothing to head to the beach or Disneyland or even up to the mountains. But somewhere between here and there, my collection of car accidents plus having Dot to … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

One Post at a Time

Before leaving Blue Ridge, we were cautioned.

“Once you leave the mountaintop,
there’s only one way to go ~
Into the valley.”
~Alton Gansky, Final Keynote Speaker,

We were told what we learned was to be shared. We were being sent out to be springs in the desert, which in my case is quite literal.

As wonderful as the Blue Ridge experience was, as foundational as these new friendships have proven to be, coming home was hard. Reconnecting to the world I left behind was difficult.

I’ve been trying to make sense of the blender in … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

Coming Home

North Carolina is full of rocking chairs and a Mayberry-esque lifestyle. There are rocking chairs in the airports, and there are rocking chairs in the restaurants. In the restaurants, people! I ain’t making this stuff up.

I want to live there. I want to drink more sweet tea and say “y’all” and “honey, sugar” to strangers and call my friends “Sweet Potato” and rock on a front porch as the rain patters down. I want to live in Blue Ridge.

Unfortunately, Blue Ridge is an event, not a place. Well, it’s both, but when it’s not an event, it can … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: