Jun 11, 2012 |
I got this great idea from Charlene at A Divine Walk. She got it from another of her blog friends.
As Charlene puts it, “The sand pail list is a take off of a “bucket list” but instead of being a before you die list, it’s a list of things you want to accomplish during the summer.”
I already have a To-Do List from last August. I’ve kept up with some of it; not all. It was a good refresher to take another look at it for this post. Kinda inspiring. Kinda guilt-laden.
Anyway. I still like lists. … read the rest. . .
May 31, 2012 |
I know, I know… life is most certainly going to get in the way…
But still…it’s nice to have a few things on the To-Do List, right?
Here’s the start of my List for June, 2012:
- Celebrate Dot & Friends’ Graduation.
- Blog every day.
- Write at least an hour every day on the Big Projects.
- Get a job. A good job. A really good, permanent, well-paying, room-for-advancement job.
- Cook each day from The Unemployment Cookbook.
- Order the next print run for The Unemployment Cookbook.
- Write at least three short stories to submit to contests, competitions, and magazines.
- Get caught up
… read the rest. . .