It Finally Feels Like Christmas

This morning I wanted to write a different post. The kind of post I share on Shell’s Pour Your Heart Out weekly sharing at Things I Can’t Say. That’s the kind of mood I was in.

Instead, I swallowed it. I got my Big Girl Panties on and mud kickin’ boots and boy howdy, did my outlook change!

As you’ve no doubt noticed, I’ve been on a writing vacation of sorts for a few days, and I intend to carry it on through the New Year. In the past four days, I’ve had a very productive business meeting (more … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like…

Dot’s Birthday.

My beautiful, talented, shy, generous, gregarious, smart, amazing daughter turns 18 tomorrow. She’s not a baby, not a child. We are celebrating all weekend long with little things. Last night she chose to see the new James Bond movie. Knowing that she doesn’t care as much for Bond as I do. Knowing that there are other movies she also wants to see. She chose Bond.

I bought the tickets and the popcorn (junkfood hangover, anyone?), and we settled in. How fun it is to not be relegated to PG or teen-angst movies. To have her say, “It was … read the rest. . .

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Frankly, My Dear: Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary! Or, Happy Birthday! Whatever you want to call it, HAPPY CELEBRATION!

It’s been a year – a whole year! – since I first started this blog. What started out as my take on staying Christian in the single/dating world, has turned into “Frankly, My Dear…”: my blog about me.

We’ve gone through some growing pains and growth spurts. I’ve changed and revamped and finally settled on what I think is a working formula: Faith, Family, Food, and Fun.

It’s because of you, my encouraging readers, that I keep at it. Because of your touching comments, your great suggestions, … read the rest. . .

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Christmas Eve 2011

It’s not Christmas Eve yet. Not for me.

I’m writing this a day early because even if I have time to write on Christmas Eve, I don’t want to have to write on Christmas Eve. This is my gift to my family: to not behind my laptop during our time together today.

And what a time it will be!

My daughter is taking me to the local movie theatre this afternoon so that I can see one of my favorite movies on the big screen: Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life”. This is a really big deal to me. This … read the rest. . .

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