Aug 23, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68
I packed up almost thirty pieces of clothing to give away today. Thirty, y’all. I thought my closet would look sparse. Hungry, even. But, nope. There it is, all neat and pretty. Straightened. Dust free. And dare I say, organized.
Oh, and the shoes. That’s right. This Girl tossed out four pairs of shoes.
And I’d do it again.
My Momma always says, “Less is more.”
Now, I’m not always a fan of most of my Momma’s mantras. (Sorry to burst that bubble, Mom). Mostly because she uses them to drive home a point … read the rest. . .
Mar 3, 2013 |
Last year I started My Housing Project: Blog posts directly related to the improvement of my property.
With yesterday being the first nice weekend day in months, Mom came over and the three of us started cleaning up the front yard.
While they raked and bagged piles and piles of leaves, I dug up root balls for two rose shrubs and one Euonymus. The second Euonymus shrub is only partly uprooted, as the roots grow like moss and grab into the soil for nearly a foot. Those are easy enough to break with the shovel but it’s the actual … read the rest. . .
May 29, 2012 |
On the heels of yesterday’s post How to Help a Mourner, I admit that I’ve had to unfriend a few people on Facebook. It makes me sad that it came to this. But it’s also a bit refreshing. It’s a bit like cleaning the dust bunnies out from under the bed. You know what I mean… those harmless, hidden bits of dirt and debris that after a while grow so big you have no choice but to bring out the Dyson and suck them out into daylight and the garbage can. Yeah. It’s been like that.
My Mom (and … read the rest. . .