Jun 3, 2016 |
You know that old phrase, “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade”?
I’m not sure who coined that phrase, but I’m pretty sure he must have been pelted by a few lemons when he said it.
But then he probably made enough lemonade that the throwers decided it wasn’t all bad and they probably drank some of it.
Everything works out in the end, yah?
I’m in between the getting-hit-by-lemons and making-lemonade-out-of-it stages.
Babycakes, my precious MacBook Pro of over eight years, is beginning to fail me. She no longer has the software or capacity needed to do what I … read the rest. . .
Dec 12, 2015 |
The gift giving season is upon us and there’s always that one person who’s difficult to buy for. Am I right? And usually, it’s the write person. (See what I did there?)
On this week’s upcoming Firsts in Fiction podcast, we’re talking about that very subject. Over the last week, we (and by we, I mean Aaron, Al, and myself, along with our merry media elves) have posed this question:
What’s a great gift to get the author in your life?
While I don’t want to give away the store (err, answers) here, I thought I’d at least share … read the rest. . .
Aug 12, 2012 |
My daughter has an iPhone 4S. She bought it with money she received for her high school graduation. I, having not graduated recently, still have my two-year-old Android.
In the past two months, I have grown convinced that an iPhone is the phone for me. And this is my official notice that it is now tops on my Christmas List this year. (Or, Hallowe’en treat. Or back-to-school special. Or just “I’m thinking of you NOW” gift, if whoever-you-are is feeling prematurely presentatious.)
The differences between my Droid and Dot’s 4S, in no particular technical order, are:
… read the rest. . .
Oct 21, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
That’s not a typo… this blog title really is Self slash Public slash ation. Well, the first two parts stand alone. The last? I guess you call that an emphasis, the uniter.
Part One: Self.
I’m stubborn. I love my stability and my structured schedule. I’m set in my ways. I’m okay with change, even if it hasn’t been anticipated… as long as it’s not drastic. I’m old-fashioned, and set in my ways. Yeah, I’m a real catch for a go-with-the-flow kinda crowd. (*please tell me you get the sarcasm, here).
I look for stories … read the rest. . .