#DoingTheWriteThing Update: December 17, 2014

I sometimes feel like a circus performer, juggling more plates than a normal person would, yet artfully keeping them up in the air without fail.

For the most part, anyway. The law of averages dictates that sooner or later, the law of gravity will take hold of one or more items and, well, you know . . .

Still, I enjoy working so many angles with my writing. Social Media and Marketing for others. Promoting my own projects. Running New Inklings Press. And, of course, actually writing.

It’s when I don’t make time for writing that the rest of … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:


Welcome back to Five Things Friday. My theme for this week is #DoingTheWriteThing. I can’t get tired of it. The more I promote writing, the more addicted to writing I become.

Every conversation I hear, every sight I see, every sense I experience is placed in my mental filing cabinet (and sometimes on paper) for probable later use.

Reading about writing excites me. I’m currently studying Flannery O’Connor’s “Mystery and Manners” and came across this gem, Number One on today’s Five Things Friday.

1. My writing mentor assigned me to read two books. Flannery O’Connor’s “Mystery and Manners” is the … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: