Aug 23, 2012 |
I know I shouldn’t. I know some people say worry is a sin. That I’m either not a good Christian, or I need to let go or… whatever it is you tell people when they say they’re unreasonably afraid.
But I am.
I’m afraid every day of the unknown.
I’m afraid that I won’t get a “real” job and I’ll lose my house. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to support my small family. I’m afraid of what would happen to the cats if something did happen to the house. Dot, notsomuch. She’s young. She’s got relatives. She’ll … read the rest. . .
May 12, 2012 |
It was a hard week for my People this week. One had a serious break-up. One lost a beloved pet. One lost a great-grandson. One marked the four-month anniversary of a death in the family.
And still others I know are continuing their own ongoing struggles. Family, health, finances, employment… and so many more aspects.
It seems that everyone I know ~ every one ~ is going through so much. Not just a little jostle, but a full-on battle to keep walking this tightrope of life.
And I’m at a loss for what to say to them. Individually, I want … read the rest. . .
Oct 30, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
[For the original article, click here.]
This is another prompt from Writer’s Digest Community: You and a friend break into your neighborhood swim club late one night to go for an after-hours dip. While splashing around in the pool, you go into shock when a dead body floats to the top. Worse yet – it’s someone you know.
It happens that during the week I found this prompt, I had seen a few episodes of The Twilight Zone. I’ve not written much in the way of sci-fi or thrillers, so I wanted to give … read the rest. . .
Oct 29, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Okay, I’m not one to go all in about spirits and things. I believe there are supernatural forces, but as a Christian, and a scaredy-cat, I ignore; nay, resist, such topics.
Most of the time.
Just over two weeks ago, I journaled about the death of my mentor.
We weren’t that close. He was someone I respected as a writer and creator. He encouraged and inspired me to continue in my own writing endeavors. Big words for what boils down to: I like what he said and did, and he saw potential in me.
And … read the rest. . .
Aug 4, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

August 4th is always worth remembering. At least in my family. It’s not a holiday. No anniversary or birthday. It’s much more somber. It’s the day my Dad died.
And this time, it’s been thirty years. It just happened; it happened a lifetime ago.
I was young, then; in age and in mind. I was 13 with no mind to chase boys but less desire to play with dolls. I was in that stage. I sat at the kitchen table looking through the brand new JCPenney’s winter catalog. The one that every kid waited for. … read the rest. . .