My Amazon Author’s Page

Amazon is synonymous with sales, especially books. The great part is, Amazon makes it easy for authors of all sorts to share their stories. In particular, I’m in love with their Author’s Pages. A person can share as little or as much as they like, and link to their most important social media networks.

Publishing eBooks for Kindle download is just as easy. Once you have the finished draft, a quick upload is all it takes to get started.

You can check out my Amazon Author’s Page here. It contains all the aforementioned goodies, and more.

Now that I’m … read the rest. . .

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A Study on the Ten Commandments

On the successful heels of my Cookbook Project Campaign via Kickstarter, I’ve already begun another. Kickstarter is turning into a wonderful avenue for my readers to pre-order their own copy of my newest project.

A Study on the Ten Commandments began with my own personal notes as I chose to take just one Commandment each day and break it down to answer some basic questions I had:

  • Why was this important for God to be specific about?
  • What was His target audience?
  • Is it still applicable today?
  • How can I apply this to my daily life?
  • How can I use
read the rest. . .
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