Aug 24, 2014 |
The wind has been blowing here at Bedford Manor. At times its brought with it a cleansing rain, at others, it just stirs the dust. There’s been heat, sun, clouds, humidity, wind, and stillness. The weather just can’t make up its mind.
It’s symbolic of how I’ve been feeling lately ~ uncertain as to my purpose. I hit a rather large wall of writer’s block last month and it’s taken me until two days ago to chisel it down.
I’d previously set a goal to have the first (and hopefully only) draft of NOLA finished by now. I’d wanted to … read the rest. . .
Jun 15, 2014 |
It seems like just yesterday that I slightly bared my soul and asked for pray and partnership toward Doing the Write Thing . . . oh, wait. It was!
I do my best writings on Sunday afternoons when the chores are done, the errands have been run, and it’s nothing but me, Pandora, a nice breeze, and a cool beverage.
I always have at least two drinks available at all times. Today I’m drinking ice water or Ginger Ale, depending on which I grab first.
I was invited to post directly at LinkedIn so today I created my first article, … read the rest. . .
Jun 14, 2014 |
Last month I was offered a scholarship to the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference for 2015. This morning, I was asked to participate and present at a still-in-development women’s conference later this year, organized by one of my fellow Writer’s Club and critique group members.
Needless to say, both of these opportunities are attractive to me. Even necessary if I’m to be a more professional writer. Conferences offer the opportunity to share what we know, to learn more, to meet fellow writers. We nourish each other with different writing styles. We treat each other to new paper palates. Conferences … read the rest. . .