I’m Afraid of My Own Success

I’m afraid of my own success. What if achieving my dreams means changing everything I know about my life?

I am my own worst enemy. I love stability of structure and I’m not one to shed the security blanket easily.

But often, blank pages hold just as much accusations as they do promise.

I play the “What If” game too often because, in the past, the “What If’s” happened. The bad ones. The oh-my-God-this-could-only-happen-to-me and the I’m-one-in-a-million-and-not-in-a-good-way ones. The I’m-being-sabotaged-and-no-one-will-stand-up-for-me ones. The life-will-never-be-the-same-again ones.

And I really love stability.

So when anything comes along that can upset the apple cart, … read the rest. . .

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I Dream of George C. …

Every now and then I have some off-the-wall dreams.

Years ago, I dreamt (several times) that my friend Cynthia and I knew the people from The West Wing. Sometimes we were characters and sometimes we were actors and sometimes we were just part of the group.

Last summer I dreamt I was with the television writing crew for Flashpoint when one of the actors came up and instead of me being awestruck by him (although secretly I really was!), he just complimented me on my butter recipe and said, “You make great toast.”

There’s the one where I was a … read the rest. . .

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The other day I was driving on Main Street when I came upon a slow moving car, following a slow bulldozer trying to make its way in traffic. The three of us, and others, stopped in line for a red light.

That’s when I saw it.

The license plate.

The vanity plate.

It wasn’t anything special. And it took me a moment to figure it out.

And then I realized. I’ve seen that plate before. On a different vehicle. Years ago.

And then I realized…

It must be driven by one of them. A member of that family; hisread the rest. . .

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Author’s Notes: When I Get To New York

[For the original article, click here.]

I’ve never been to New York, but someday I’ll get there.

It’s been a dream of mine; growing stronger every day.
Especially whenever I watch the holiday programming.

A few months ago, I decided to voice that longing in detail.
And give myself a little inspirational kick.

The economy being what it is, I may not vacation to NYC anytime soon…

but at least I can dream.

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read the rest. . .
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Author’s Note: Not Such a Bad Day

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

[For the original story, click here.]

I’m a big fan of crime and cop dramas on television; which tend to influence my subconscious at times.

One night, in 2006 or so, I had a dream that I was with a particular “cast”; they weren’t actors playing characters: it was a real-life world that I found myself in. I think it’s funny how, in dreams, you instinctively “know” and “remember” things that aren’t true.

In this particular dream, I was friends with the Team. The “him” that is referenced, is the Team Leader (I’d rather … read the rest. . .

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