CONDEMNATION VS. CONVICTION: How to Tell the Difference

By Beckie Lindsey @BeckieLindsey_

It amazes me how I can go from praising the Lord while singing along with Christian music in my car, to yelling at the person who cut me off—almost simultaneously. But sometimes I react and then regret.

The second half of the scenario plays out like this: The driver who angered me speeds by, oblivious to my plight. The music begins to fade into the background and finally disappear. Now I’m left with an onslaught of negative, harassing thoughts like, What kind of Christian are you? You’re such a phony!  A loser. “Real” Christians don’t have read the rest. . .

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Frankly, On Faith: We Can Do All Things

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

So often the world says we can’t do this or we shouldn’t do that, and if we try, it has to be a blood bath competition.

The Bible says, softly, we can do all things. But we do these things through Christ, who will give us strength.

When we focus on the Father-Son-Spirit Trinity, our souls learn to recognize that while we can do all things, it’s not always advisable. With true faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. We can do what we once thought impossible.

His strength can … read the rest. . .

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Frankly, On Faith: Let’s Be Clear

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

How often do we ask God for something based off what we think we need to get there?

Our life-filter is our own experiences, our own thought processes. But in doing so, we muddy God’s waters. We get caught up in our own mire rather than His refreshing life streams. We try to forge our own path holding old maps so close to our eyes we can’t see where we’re really going.

The best thing we can do is to get out of God’s way, and stop putting up our own detour signs to direct … read the rest. . .

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Five Things Friday: Frankly, Favorites

by Molly Jo Realy @RealMojo68

We’ve been doing the Five Things Friday posts for a while now. A start, a stop, a hiccup, but now we’re steady at it. I’ve enjoyed your topic suggestions and comments on these posts.

Recently, someone asked what my five favorite posts on FMD are. Y’all are smart. You already know where this is going. Of course, I could list twenty or possibly a hundred. So choosing my five favorite posts is a bit of a challenge. thankyouverymuchforthesuggestionyouknowwhoyouare.

And I’m betting once I hit “publish” I’m going to think up five other posts that could … read the rest. . .

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Fun Faith Adventures with Josie Siler: Choose Your Battles

by Josie Siler @josie_siler

One of my happy places is way out in the country. It’s located down a back road and you need to go through a gate to get in. Once you’re in you’ll park in a small lot next to everything from motorcycles and jacked-up Jeeps to trucks and nondescript cars.

In this happy place I meet with family, friends, and strangers whose lives are as diverse as their vehicles. We swap magazines, actively engage our surroundings, and learn from the best.

What is this magical place? A gym? A school? Perhaps a gated community? In a … read the rest. . .

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