Sep 16, 2012 |
My friend Dan is one of those friends-for-life-no-matter-what type of friend.
He’s followed Frankly, My Dear from Day One. It was his encouragement that led me to start New Inklings Press. He was the first to buy The Unemployment Cookbook.
We talk smack about sports, politics, and humor. All.The.Time. He’s just a great guy with a great attitude and a great family.
Dan and I have known each other since grade school. He still lives close to where we grew up in Michigan.
His brother Patrick was a 12-year veteran of the West Bloomfield Police. And just one short week … read the rest. . .
Aug 29, 2012 |
Many years ago, when Dot was just an infant, I met a woman named Corrie. A remarkable young woman, named after another remarkable woman. My Corrie was named for Corrie Ten Boom. Corrie Ten Boom was a Dutch Christian who, with her family, hid Jews from persecution during World War II before being arrested. If you haven’t read her story, I strongly encourage you to do so. “The Hiding Place” is her autobiography, but she also wrote many other books and spoke often of her experiences in a Nazi Concentration Camp.
My Corrie is just as bold, outspoken, tender and … read the rest. . .
Aug 11, 2011 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Kate is a valued friend of mine. We haven’t known each other long, but she’s become important to me. She supports me. We talk almost every day. She never fails to uplift and encourage me. She trusts me. So when she asked me to proofread this essay, I asked a favor in return: to publish it for her here on my blog.
This is Kate’s Story.
Living with Tourette Syndrome there are many things I have come to accept. I accept that there is no cure, I will always be “different”. I have learned to … read the rest. . .