Sep 22, 2017 |
by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
So, I know the blog’s been a little eclectic lately. A bit of this, a touch of that. A few guest posts. But that’s just like life, isn’t it? I mean, are all your shirts blue? Do you only ever eat eggs for breakfast? Do you never hang out with different people?
I think not.
And that’s why this blog is a li’l bit of everything me and you.
Today’s Five Things Friday is the essential foundation of Frankly, My Dear . . . These five tenets are what FMD is built on. And … read the rest. . .
Aug 8, 2017 |
by Josie Siler @josie_siler
One of my happy places is way out in the country. It’s located down a back road and you need to go through a gate to get in. Once you’re in you’ll park in a small lot next to everything from motorcycles and jacked-up Jeeps to trucks and nondescript cars.
In this happy place I meet with family, friends, and strangers whose lives are as diverse as their vehicles. We swap magazines, actively engage our surroundings, and learn from the best.
What is this magical place? A gym? A school? Perhaps a gated community? In a … read the rest. . .
Jul 11, 2017 |
Hey Swarm! I’m super excited today to introduce to one of my newest regular contributors. Remember I said things were hopping here at Frankly, My Dear . . .? Well, Josie Siler stepped up to write how having faith and fun aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, this girl is having some pretty great moments and she’s going to share them with us!
I met Josie my first day at my first Blue Ridge Conference. We introduced ourselves and I kind of fangirled over her name. We bonded instantly. So when she recently agreed to be a contributor for FMD, I … read the rest. . .
Jul 31, 2013 |
Recently I’ve been asked by several people to offer guidance on starting a blog. Apparently, I’m doing something right, if people are coming to me for inspiration.
Let’s face it: there’s a lot of blogs out there. It’s hard to know which ones to emulate, imitate, or eliminate. I like that Frankly, My Dear… is a “small” blog: by that I mean, it’s still personal. It’s a two-person operation. My web designer fixes the glitches and comes up with some amazing designs. I dream, create, cook, craft, photograph and write.
That’s not to say I wouldn’t love to have thousands … read the rest. . .
Jun 10, 2013 |
So. Y’all know I’m a Trekaroo Superoo, right? I get to write reviews for family-friendly based activities, restaurants, and destinations. I’m loving it. I haven’t received a sponsored assignment yet, but I’m so okay with that. Because I love writing reviews. Even if they’re based out of my own little town.
Another reason I love Trekaroo is the giveaways they offer every week with their Monday Madness. This week is no different. But it is. This week is a doozy. A week-long stay at a west coast timeshare through
Now, I’m not affiliated with this giveaway. Which is good. … read the rest. . .