Meet Rain

Exciting news: NOLA is nearly fifty percent written!

Josie and her new friends are going through the wringer (it is a mystery, after all) but still finding moments to enjoy the Crescent City. Would you like to meet her friends? You would?

How about one in particular? One very special friend.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Rain.

Rain and Toni are best friends. He lives on the plantation he inherited. I could tell you more, but I can’t give away any secrets.

Josie is immediately attracted to him, and relishes in learning more about him every chance she gets.… read the rest. . .

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Meet Josie

I feel bad for not blogging like I used to. I really do. It’s not that you don’t matter. You’re my Swarm, of course you matter!

You matter so much, that I’ve been putting my efforts into the bigger projects. I know you’re just waiting for NOLA to be finished, and that’s my focus right now.

And here you are, checking your inboxes every day, patiently waiting for news.

Have you joined the Facebook NOLA Swarm group? That’s where you’ll find most of my updates.

In the meantime, here’s a little bit of what’s happening:

NOLA is about two-thirds … read the rest. . .

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My Two-Inch Peacock

I have a two-inch peacock and he’s only visible through my story window. I’m not crazy. I’m a writer.

This month, I’m reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. If you’re serious about being a writer, or just like a well-told narrative, this is that book. I’m nearly a quarter through, and loving every page, every paragraph, every sentence.

Now here’s something you may not know about me: I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my writing and media. I want it to always be right. I don’t want just the end result to be perfect, I want it … read the rest. . .

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