Kitchen Craft: Aromatic Mason Jar

Y’all know how I love Pinterest, right? I mean, every time I start a new board, you’re the first to know about it!

A few months ago I started Pinning Mason Jars. How to decorate them. What to do with them. Things to put in them. I’m in Mason Jar Nirvana!

My first post was my Feta Tomato Spinach Salad in a Jar. Remember this lovely, delectable delight?
The Finished Product

Thanks to Pinterest and other Blogs I follow, I found some delightful easy crafts. This weekend I tried my hand at making my own kind of kitchen air freshener.

In … read the rest. . .

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My Recipe Wish-List

I know it’s a little early to make my New Year’s Resolutions list, but let’s face it, we’re all already thinking about it. We all have the mental checklist to go through before we publicly (or privately) admit to those things we want to make better come midnight New Year’s Eve: Is this important? Would the benefits outweigh the work? Would I want to share this with (public, self, God, anyone)? If the answer to all of these is “yes”, you know you can add it to your list.

So, right now I’m thinking of how to really spruce up … read the rest. . .

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