Frankly, On Faith: Faith is Not Magical

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy

Magical Thinking. It’s creating the dots that connect “A” to “B”. If I wake up at 5:38 exactly, it’s a sign I should buy a lottery ticket. Or Because I drank two cups of coffee, the tree sprouted new growth.

Magical Thinking, based on superstitions, is faith gone awry.

Faith believes things will happen due to God’s sovereignty,
not because of our own actions.

Magical Thinking removes God from the equation. Miracle Thinking (Faith) understands that we don’t understand, but still we know it’s going to be okay. Magical Thinking says we will force the … read the rest. . .

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Blogging Basics: Why?

Recently I’ve been asked by several people to offer guidance on starting a blog. Apparently, I’m doing something right, if people are coming to me for inspiration.

Let’s face it: there’s a lot of blogs out there. It’s hard to know which ones to emulate, imitate, or eliminate. I like that Frankly, My Dear… is a “small” blog: by that I mean, it’s still personal. It’s a two-person operation. My web designer fixes the glitches and comes up with some amazing designs. I dream, create, cook, craft, photograph and write.
That’s not to say I wouldn’t love to have thousands … read the rest. . .

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