by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy
Magical Thinking. It’s creating the dots that connect “A” to “B”. If I wake up at 5:38 exactly, it’s a sign I should buy a lottery ticket. Or Because I drank two cups of coffee, the tree sprouted new growth.
Magical Thinking, based on superstitions, is faith gone awry.
Faith believes things will happen due to God’s sovereignty,
not because of our own actions.
Magical Thinking removes God from the equation. Miracle Thinking (Faith) understands that we don’t understand, but still we know it’s going to be okay. Magical Thinking says we will force the square peg into the round hole and explain it later. Miracle Thinking says God works outside the governing laws of dynamics, and He has made all things, and continues to renew all things, so if and when He wants, that square peg will adjust, that round hole will adjust, and they will fit together at the right time. Magical Thinking forces. Miracle Thinking believes.
Faith doesn’t ask for proof of what it is. Faith is the proof of what we believe. Faith is the dots we connect from lifepoint to lifepoint, knowing it all points back to the One who created all Life.
How does your faith prove God to your world?
TWEET THIS: Tweet: How does your faith prove God to your world? @RealMojo68 #franklyonfaith
TWEET THIS: #Faith believes things will happen due to God’s sovereignty, not because of our own actions. @RealMojo68
And Frankly, My Dear . . . That’s all she wrote!
If I wake up at 5:38 exactly… it just means I’ve got a spare hour plus to go back to sleep.
William Kendall recently posted..National Parks
if i wake up at 5:38 exactly… i promptly roll over and – WAIT!!! there’s a 5:38 in the A.M.???
So I’ve heard, Robin. Yet to be verified.
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Social Media Saturday: Now Serving with Flavor
Good for you. Depending on the day, it could mean I need to wake up or go back to sleep.
Molly Jo Realy recently posted..Social Media Saturday: Now Serving with Flavor