#AmWriting: Keeping Track with Story Cards

Some are discovery writers. Some are outliners. Some are in-betweeners.

Whatever the plotting style, great writers track their story from start to finish.

I, not yet being a great world-famous writer, was in my fifth chapter of NOLA when I realized I’d used much of the same language in Chapter Two. Now, we all know New Orleans is worth visiting more than once, but this novel is a mystery, not a time travel sci-fi.  So, back to the old storyboard I went.

Only I didn’t have a storyboard. No worries. I remembered enough to keep it from happening again. Until … read the rest. . .

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Meet Rain

Exciting news: NOLA is nearly fifty percent written!

Josie and her new friends are going through the wringer (it is a mystery, after all) but still finding moments to enjoy the Crescent City. Would you like to meet her friends? You would?

How about one in particular? One very special friend.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Rain.

Rain and Toni are best friends. He lives on the plantation he inherited. I could tell you more, but I can’t give away any secrets.

Josie is immediately attracted to him, and relishes in learning more about him every chance she gets.… read the rest. . .

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Meet Josie

I feel bad for not blogging like I used to. I really do. It’s not that you don’t matter. You’re my Swarm, of course you matter!

You matter so much, that I’ve been putting my efforts into the bigger projects. I know you’re just waiting for NOLA to be finished, and that’s my focus right now.

And here you are, checking your inboxes every day, patiently waiting for news.

Have you joined the Facebook NOLA Swarm group? That’s where you’ll find most of my updates.

In the meantime, here’s a little bit of what’s happening:

NOLA is about two-thirds … read the rest. . .

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Orange County Christian Writers Conference, 2015

Yesterday I attended the Orange County Christian Writers Conference for the first time. It was nice to meet up with current friends and make new ones.

I’m deeply indebted to my mentor, Aaron D Gansky, for inspiring me to attend the conference and for praying faithfully for my writing in the time we’ve been working together. His friendship, work ethic, example (not to mention his being married to my good friend) are all invaluable.

I surround myself on a daily basis with writers and the writing environment. Whether I’m reading craft books, novels, sending out texts or making phone … read the rest. . .

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#DoingTheWriteThing Recap: October 26, 2014

Sometimes I feel I haven’t done enough to advance my writing, but looking back at the two months since I started my GoFundMe campaign, I realize everything’s a matter of perspective.

You can click on the link or photo above to follow my progress with #DoingTheWriteThing, without having to make a donation. I truly appreciate support in all forms!

At the beginning of the year, my only resolution was to do life better.

Of course I haven’t accomplished everything on my list, but I have kept that drive alive to push forward no matter what.

I’ve been diligently … read the rest. . .

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