Dear Pinners…

I love Pinterest. I really do.

I signed up with the intent to carefully monitor my activity. But after the first two weeks, that’s gone out the window. Now, over a month later, next to facebook and my blog, Pinterest holds my digital interest more than any other website.

It’s my own personal, public digital clipping source. If I had to clip magazines to get all the information my Pinterest boards hold, I’d be able to pay my utilities with the paper recycling cash.

But I have a bone to pick with other Pinners, and it’s this: cite your source!read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share:

This Thing Called Pinterest

Yup. I’ve gone and done it. I signed on to Pinterest.

You can find me here.

At first I resisted. It’s just another way of being distracted from other things like television and Angry Birds…

Until my facebook friends starting linking up. Every time they Pin, it posts. I was seeing some mighty cute pictures!

When I first saw Old Blue, as I’ve affectionately named the Cooper’s Hawk, I decided I wanted a way to track all the birds that come to my yard. That’s when I really got into Pinterest: I created my “Birds in the Yard” … read the rest. . .

Sweeten my tea and share: