Y’all ready for this?

by Molly Jo Realy (@RealMojo68)

How many of you are fist-pumpin’ to the beat? C’mon. That song. That go-get-’em, conquering, sports-theme-y, you-got-this song . . . DundundunDUNDUNdunDUN. Yeah. That one.

Well, anyway, in your head, I want you to imagine the greatest celebratory music you can conjure. Got it? Awesome.

Keep it playing in the background, and read on.

It’s no secret that I have a new website. But I’m not sure all of you know FMD and NIP are undergoing some cosmetic surgery as well. A little NIP, a little tuck. (Ooh. NIP. See what I did there?)

Now, … read the rest. . .

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The Adventures of Will Power and the Haunted House

by Molly Jo Realy @MollyJoRealy


This is the true story of Will Power. Will was given to me by my mom one year. I keep Will with me at all times, always within arm’s reach. Even so, sometimes I forget about Will Power.

I used to take Will Power to work with me every day. Will would keep me company as I drove to and from errands, took care of the house, spent time with my family, and faced things I’d rather run away from.




This is Will. No, not the ghost who looks a bit … read the rest. . .

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