Aug 21, 2012 |
I don’t have as many blog followers as I strive for. It makes it a little hard to get sponsors for giveaways and such. But I keep at it. And little by little, great things are coming my way.
Nearly every day, I can count on comments from a core group of supporters. And nearly every day, I can count on spam comments urging me to sign up for the Quick and Easy Way to get followers. “Over 1,000 followers each day!” “It really works!” These spam messages tell me I’m not doing as well as I could be in … read the rest. . .
Jun 12, 2012 |
Dot’s been out of school for just over one week.
Last week, we got in the car and since it was a weekday morning, I almost automatically drove her to school. I caught myself and said, “Hey, I don’t have to drive you to school today!”

And then I realized, “Hey. I never get to drive you to school again.”

In the last week, she’s been hanging with her peeps, reading, and doing the usual, “What are we doing today?” questioning.
So this weekend we saw MEN IN BLACK 3. Great movie! I mean, Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, New … read the rest. . .