My Housing Project: What a Difference a Rake Makes

Y’all know my story. I have a yard and a house that I love-love-love, but sometimes need a little more love than I can provide.

Or so I think.

Y’all also know from my recent posts that I’m in this new mentality of “One”:
My Housing Project: Back to the Beginning was the start (no pun intended).
I followed that up with TGIF: One, being thankful for those first steps.

This week, I’ve been blessed with a new pantry shelf and a stack of pallets to get creative outside. Both are wonderful gifts from Grandpa, who does amazing cabinetry … read the rest. . .

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My Housing Project: 2013

Last year I started My Housing Project: Blog posts directly related to the improvement of my property.

With yesterday being the first nice weekend day in months, Mom came over and the three of us started cleaning up the front yard.

While they raked and bagged piles and piles of leaves, I dug up root balls for two rose shrubs and one Euonymus. The second Euonymus shrub is only partly uprooted, as the roots grow like moss and grab into the soil for nearly a foot. Those are easy enough to break with the shovel but it’s the actual … read the rest. . .

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